Capability Academy

Strategic Thinking

An abstract illustration of a brain

A role-specific academy that empowers learners to:

  • Take a structured approach to solving complex challenges.
  • Make better decisions by generating more options and identifying trade-offs.
  • Communicate strategies to others.

What’s Holding Your Teams Back?

Do your teams struggle to:

  • Define their business objectives and barriers to achieving them?
  • Identify and evaluate options for achieving their objectives?
  • Craft effective strategies to overcome barriers and achieve their outcomes?

If they struggle with any of these, they may have a gap in their strategic thinking and planning capabilities. Many teams struggle with this, but there is a solution.

Why a Strategic Thinking Academy?

Strategic thinking empowers learners to define a desired outcome, identify and evaluate the options for achieving it, and develop action plans for pursuing the best option. It’s an essential business capability when dealing with external market situations as well as internal situations and stakeholders.

For nearly every role in the biopharma industry, strategic thinking is essential. It is key to articulating and achieving business objectives, as well as driving team success.

Salience Learning’s Strategic Thinking Academy is an innovative learning solution that:

  1. Teaches strategic thinking while driving learners to immediately begin doing it
  2. Is in the context of learners’ roles and their situations
  3. Is available anytime, anywhere

Why Capabilities Development?

Capabilities are surging as a key area of focus for learning and development because they:
  • Apply to a broad range of contexts and situations
  • Endure in volatile, uncertain, changing, ambiguous (VUCA) environments
  • Increase learner and organizational value
  • Empower learners to perform their current and future role responsibilities with confidence
Salience Learning offers a series of role-specific academies, each focused on developing a key capability for life science professionals.

Function and Role Contexts

This academy is contextualized for the following industry roles:

  • Commercial – Sales Representative, First Line Leader, Key Account Manager
  • Market Access – Field Account Manager, Access Marketer, Field Reimbursement Manager
  • Medical – Medical Science Liaison (MSL), MSL Manager, Medical Leader

Additional roles are available upon request.

By the Conclusion of the Academy, Learners Will:

  • Recognize opportunities when strategic thinking is most valuable
  • Differentiate strategic thinking from decision-making and apply them appropriately
  • Apply the core steps of strategic thinking to their role
  • Use key behaviors and embody characteristics to improve their strategic thinking
  • Recognize the importance of building and communicating a strategic plan
  • Communicate their strategic thinking with confidence
  • Translate their strategic thinking into a strategic plan

How It Works

1 Year
Effort Time
~4-8 hours
  • Fully digital (asynchronous)
  • Blended (digital with one instructor-led session)


Digital Blended
Digital Learning Experience check check
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Implementation check check
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Account Engagement Services check
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Ongoing Learner Communications check
Learning Impact Report check

What our clients are saying

"I liked how the course was laid out - walking you step-by-step…"

Fortune 500 Bio-Pharma Company


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