Article • April 17, 2023
Key Themes from the MAPS Global Annual Meeting, 2023

Nashville, TN (aka “Music City”) hosted the global annual meeting of the Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS) just a few weeks ago, March 26-29. MAPS’ mission is to “advance the Medical Affairs profession and increase its impact across the biopharmaceutical and device industry” The global annual meeting, the EMEA annual meeting (which runs May 14-16 in Lisbon), and a range of other events are key to MAPS’ mission.
Through those events, MAPS members discuss and share information and best practices about a wide range of Medical Affairs (MA)-related topics. Last month, we sent a combined team to the MAPS global annual meeting. This team included people from Salience Learning as well as Blue Matter.
After the meeting, members of both teams compared notes to see what each thought were the most interesting or relevant themes that were addressed there. This relatively short article provides a summary of the combined team’s key takeaways regarding those themes and their implications for biopharma companies.
Read the full article on the Blue Matter website.