
An abstract illustration of a woman's face and a tree.

The Need

Trainer Academy is an immersive program to help Learning and Development (L&D) professionals become more effective in their roles and maximize the strategic value of the entire L&D organization.

L&D teams often face special challenges, including

  • Intense time and resource constraints
  • Higher turnover due to the developmental nature of many L&D roles
  • Business sponsors who sometimes push to “get information out to the field” without as much concern for effectiveness

As a result, L&D teams sometimes

  • Must focus on execution instead of being part of the strategic planning process
  • Must focus on speed rather than using science to maximize program impact
  • Are not recognized for the strategic value they can bring

Trainer Academy helps L&D teams overcome all of these challenges.

The Program

Trainer Academy is a blended learning program which provides three key benefits:

  1. Adopt a more strategic mindset when collaborating with stakeholders, increasing the strategic effectiveness and value of the L&D organization.
  2. Enhance program impact by more effectively leveraging adult learning principles and evidence-based cognitive science.
  3. Increase skill and confidence when working with business sponsors.

Trainer Academy can be customized to a customer’s needs and delivered in a virtual environment (due to COVID-19).

Click here to download a fact sheet on Trainer Academy.

Intended Learner Audiences

This program is specifically designed for L&D professionals, including

  • Instructional Designers
  • Field Sales and Product Trainers
  • Training Managers
  • L&D organization leaders

To learn more, please fill out the Contact Us form below or send an email directly to Krista Gerhard, Partner at Salience Learning:

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